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Master the Concepts of Exercise Physiology with APK3110C

What is APK3110C and why should you take it?

If you are interested in learning how the human body works during exercise, how it adapts to different types of training, and how to optimize performance and health, then APK3110C is the course for you. APK3110C is a survey in exercise physiology that provides an overview of the acute and chronic responses to exercise. It covers topics such as muscle bioenergetics, metabolism, organ systems, exercise testing, training technologies, and environmental factors. It is a required course for Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (APK) or Athletic Training (AT) majors at the University of Florida, but it can also be taken by anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind exercise.

In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide to APK3110C, including what you will learn, how you will learn, and how you will benefit from taking this course. We will also provide some tips and resources to help you succeed in this challenging but rewarding course.


APK3110C: An overview of the course

Before we dive into the details of what you will learn in APK3110C, let's first take a look at some general information about the course, such as its description, objectives, prerequisites, and materials.

Course description and objectives

According to the official syllabus, APK3110C is a "survey in exercise physiology which provides an overview of the acute and chronic responses to exercise. Particular attention is placed on understanding muscle bioenergetics and metabolism as well as the cardiopulmonary responses to exercise. Special topics include exercise testing, training technologies and exercise in hot and cold environments."

APK3110C syllabus summer 2023

APK3110C lab report guidelines

APK3110C exam review questions

APK3110C quizlet flashcards

APK3110C lecture notes pdf

APK3110C online course Florida State University[^2^]

APK3110C instructor Blain Harrison

APK3110C textbook Powers and Howley 10th edition

APK3110C final project ideas

APK3110C prerequisites and requirements

APK3110C course hero study materials[^3^]

APK3110C yellowdig discussion board

APK3110C muscle bioenergetics and metabolism

APK3110C cardiopulmonary responses to exercise

APK3110C exercise testing and training technologies

APK3110C metabolic adaptations to endurance, sprint, and resistance training

APK3110C respiratory response and control of breathing during exercise

APK3110C sliding filament model of muscle contraction

APK3110C fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers

APK3110C acute and chronic effects of exercise on hormone secretion

APK3110C physiological factors that determine anaerobic and endurance performance

APK3110C central and peripheral causes of fatigue

APK3110C exercise in hot and cold environments

APK3110C applied exercise physiology FSU[^2^]

APK3110C course description and objectives[^1^]

APK3110C homework assignments and due dates

APK3110C canvas page login and access

APK3110C grading policy and scale[^1^]

APK3110C attendance policy and participation[^1^]

APK3110C required and recommended materials[^1^]

APK3110C course format and delivery[^1^]

APK3110C course learning outcomes and competencies[^1^]

APK3110C course and university policies[^1^]

APK3110C academic integrity and honesty[^1^]

APK3110C students with disabilities services[^1^]

APK3110C online counseling and wellness center[^1^]

APK3110C technical support and help desk[^1^]

APK3110C instructor feedback and evaluation[^1^]

APK3110C zoom office hours and appointment[^1^]

APK3110C proctoru exam instructions[^1^]

The main objectives of the course are to enable students to:

  • Summarize the processes of cellular respiration for the production of ATP from carbohydrate, fat and protein fuel substrates.

  • Compare the relative use of carbohydrate, fat, and protein fuel substrates on the basis of intensity and duration of exercise.

  • Discuss the role of the major organ systems in the performance of various forms of exercise and the primary adaptations of the major organ systems to various forms of chronic exercise training.

  • Differentiate between activities that are primarily aerobic or anaerobic.

  • Identify the metabolic adaptations to endurance, sprint, and resistance training.

  • Predict the responses of the cardiovascular system during exercise and to exercise training.

  • List both the respiratory response and the factors that control breathing during exercise.

  • Explain the role skeletal muscle plays during exercise.

  • Interpret the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.

  • Differentiate fast twitch from slow twitch muscle fibers.

  • Contrast the effects of acute and chronic exercise on hormone (endocrine) secretion.

  • Identify the primary physiological factors that determine anaerobic and endurance performance in athletes.

  • Outline the central and peripheral causes of fatigue.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

To enroll in APK3110C, you need to have completed BSC2010C (Biology I) and BSC2011C (Biology II) or their equivalents with a grade of C or better. You also need to have a basic understanding of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, as well as good reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. You will be expected to apply your knowledge of these subjects to the concepts and principles of exercise physiology.

Required and recommended materials

The required textbook for APK3110C is Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance (11th edition) by Scott K. Powers and Edward T. Howley. You can purchase or rent the textbook from the UF bookstore or online retailers. You can also access the e-book version through the UF library website. The textbook contains relevant information, examples, figures, tables, and self-assessment questions that will help you learn and review the course material.

In addition to the textbook, you will also need access to a computer with reliable internet connection, a web browser, an email account, and a word processor. You will use these tools to access the course website, communicate with your instructor and peers, submit your assignments, and complete your exams. You will also need a calculator for some calculations and conversions.

Some optional but recommended materials for APK3110C are:

  • A study guide that accompanies the textbook and provides additional practice questions and exercises.

  • A lab manual that contains laboratory activities that complement the lecture topics.

  • A flashcard app or website that helps you memorize key terms and concepts.

  • A podcast or video series that explains and illustrates the topics covered in the course.

APK3110C: What will you learn?

Now that you have an idea of what APK3110C is about and what you need to prepare for it, let's explore what you will learn in this course. APK3110C covers a wide range of topics related to exercise physiology, from the cellular level to the whole-body level, from the acute responses to the chronic adaptations, and from the basic concepts to the applied aspects. Here are some of the main topics that you will learn in this course:

Cellular respiration and fuel substrates

One of the fundamental topics in exercise physiology is how the body produces energy for physical activity. You will learn about the process of cellular respiration, which is the conversion of chemical energy stored in fuel substrates (such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the universal energy currency of the cell. You will also learn about the different pathways of cellular respiration, such as glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation, and how they are regulated by factors such as oxygen availability, enzyme activity, and substrate concentration. You will also learn how to calculate the energy yield from different fuel substrates and how to measure the rate of cellular respiration using methods such as indirect calorimetry.

Organ systems and exercise adaptations

Another important topic in exercise physiology is how the different organ systems of the body work together to support exercise performance and health. You will learn about the structure and function of the major organ systems involved in exercise, such as the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the muscular system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. You will also learn how these organ systems respond to acute exercise stimuli, such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, ventilation, oxygen uptake, muscle contraction, neural activation, and hormone secretion. Moreover, you will learn how these organ systems adapt to chronic exercise training, such as changes in cardiac output, stroke volume, blood volume, capillary density, mitochondrial density, muscle fiber type, neural efficiency, and hormone sensitivity.

Aerobic and anaerobic activities

Metabolic adaptations to different types of training

One of the main goals of exercise training is to improve the metabolic capacity of the body, which is the ability to produce and utilize energy efficiently and effectively. You will learn how different types of training, such as endurance, sprint, and resistance training, induce different metabolic adaptations in the body, such as increased glycogen storage, enhanced fat oxidation, improved lactate clearance, increased enzyme activity, and altered gene expression. You will also learn how to design and implement appropriate training programs based on the principles of specificity, overload, progression, and individualization.

Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to exercise

The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles and removing carbon dioxide and waste products from the body. You will learn how these systems respond to exercise by adjusting their parameters, such as heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood pressure, blood flow, ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, and gas exchange. You will also learn how these systems adapt to exercise training by improving their efficiency, capacity, and regulation.

Skeletal muscle structure and function

Hormonal regulation of exercise

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes in the body, such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and stress. You will learn how exercise affects the secretion and action of different hormones, such as insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. You will also learn how these hormones influence the responses and adaptations to exercise by modulating factors such as blood glucose, lipolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, protein synthesis, muscle hypertrophy, and bone density.

Physiological factors that determine performance

Exercise performance is the ability to perform a physical task at a desired level of intensity and duration. You will learn how to measure and evaluate exercise performance using various indicators, such as power output, work capacity, speed, endurance, strength, and agility. You will also learn how to identify and analyze the physiological factors that determine exercise performance, such as VO2max, LT, VT, MAOD, muscle fiber type distribution, muscle cross-sectional area, muscle enzyme activity, muscle glycogen content, blood lactate concentration, and oxygen delivery.

Fatigue and recovery mechanisms

Fatigue is the decline in exercise performance due to various physiological and psychological factors. You will learn how to define and measure fatigue using different criteria, such as perceived exertion, voluntary activation, force production, electromyography (EMG), and electroencephalography (EEG). You will also learn how to identify and explain the central and peripheral causes of fatigue, such as neural inhibition, neurotransmitter depletion, metabolic acidosis, energy depletion, muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Moreover, you will learn how to enhance recovery from exercise by applying different strategies, such as nutrition, hydration, rest, sleep, massage, compression garments, cryotherapy, and heat therapy.

Exercise in hot and cold environments

Exercise in hot and cold environments poses additional challenges and risks for the body's thermoregulation system. You will learn how the body maintains its core temperature within a narrow range by balancing heat production and heat loss through various mechanisms, such as radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation, shivering, and sweating. You will also learn how exercise in hot and cold environments affects the thermoregulatory responses and adaptations of the body by altering factors such as blood flow distribution, skin temperature, sweat rate, cardiovascular strain, dehydration, metabolic rate, and hormonal balance. Furthermore, you will learn how to prevent and treat common heat- and cold-related illnesses and injuries, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, frostbite, APK3110C: How will you learn?

Now that you know what you will learn in APK3110C, let's talk about how you will learn it. APK3110C is a blended course that combines online and face-to-face components. You will need to complete both components to successfully pass the course. Here are some details about the course format, policies, assignments, and assessments.

Course format and delivery

APK3110C consists of three main components: lectures, labs, and recitations. The lectures are delivered online through the Canvas learning management system (LMS). You will need to watch the recorded lectures and complete the associated quizzes and activities before the deadlines. The labs are conducted in person at the Florida Gym (FLG) 260. You will need to attend the lab sessions and participate in the laboratory activities and experiments. The recitations are also conducted in person at FLG 260. You will need to attend the recitation sessions and engage in discussions and problem-solving exercises with your instructor and peers.

The course follows a weekly schedule that is posted on the Canvas course site. You are expected to follow the schedule and complete the required tasks on time. You are also expected to check your email and Canvas announcements regularly for any updates or changes to the course.

Course policies and expectations

As a student of APK3110C, you are expected to adhere to the course policies and expectations that are outlined in the syllabus and on the Canvas course site. Some of the important policies and expectations are:

  • You must complete all the course components (lectures, labs, recitations, assignments, and exams) to pass the course.

  • You must attend all the lab and recitation sessions unless you have a valid excuse (such as illness, emergency, or university-sanctioned event) and provide documentation to your instructor.

  • You must arrive on time and stay for the entire duration of the lab and recitation sessions.

  • You must wear appropriate attire and footwear for the lab sessions.

  • You must follow the safety rules and procedures for the lab sessions.

  • You must respect your instructor, teaching assistants, and classmates at all times.

  • You must uphold academic integrity and honesty in all your work.

  • You must communicate with your instructor and teaching assistants if you have any questions, concerns, or issues regarding the course.

Course assignments and assessments

APK3110C has various assignments and assessments that are designed to measure your learning outcomes and progress in the course. You will need to complete and submit these assignments and assessments according to the instructions and deadlines given by your instructor. The main assignments and assessments are:

  • Lecture quizzes: These are online quizzes that test your comprehension of the lecture material. You will need to complete one quiz for each lecture topic before the due date. Each quiz consists of 10 multiple-choice questions and is worth 10 points.

  • Lab reports: These are written reports that document your observations, results, and analysis of the lab activities and experiments. You will need to submit one lab report for each lab session within one week after the session. Each lab report consists of several sections, such as introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references, and is worth 50 points.

  • Recitation worksheets: These are worksheets that contain questions and problems related to the recitation topics. You will need to complete one worksheet for each recitation session during the session. Each worksheet consists of various types of questions, such as short answer, calculation, graphing, and interpretation, and is worth 20 points.

  • Midterm exam: This is a comprehensive exam that covers the first half of the course material. You will need to take the exam online during a designated time window. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and is worth 100 points.

  • Final exam: This is a comprehensive exam that covers the second half of the course material. You will need to take the exam online during a designated time window. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and is worth 100 points.

The total points for the course are 600. Your final grade will be calculated based on your percentage of points earned according to the following scale:












APK3110C: How will you benefit?

Finally, let's talk about how you will benefit from taking APK3110C. APK3110C is not only a course that teaches you the science of exercise physiology, but also a course that prepares you for your future career and personal growth. Here are some of the benefits that you will gain from taking this course:

Career opportunities for exercise physiology graduates

Exercise physiology is a field that offers many career opportunities for graduates who have a passion for exercise, health, and wellness. You can work in various settings, such as fitness centers, sports teams, health clinics, hospitals, research laboratories, schools, and corporations. You can also pursue further education and training in related fields, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, sports medicine, kinesiology, biomechanics, nutrition, and public health. Some of the common job titles for exercise physiology graduates are:

  • Exercise physiologist

  • Fitness instructor

  • Personal trainer

  • Strength and conditioning coach

  • Sports scientist

  • Exercise testing technician

  • Wellness coordinator

  • Health educator

  • Research assistant

  • Professor

Skills and competencies gained from the course

APK3110C is a course that helps you develop not only your knowledge of exercise physiology, but also your skills and competencies that are essential for your professional and personal success. Some of the skills and competencies that you will gain from this course are:

  • Analytical thinking: You will learn how to apply scientific methods and principles to solve problems and answer questions related to exercise physiology.

  • Critical thinking: You will learn how to evaluate information and arguments from various sources and perspectives, and draw logical and evidence-based conclusions.

  • Creative thinking: You will learn how to generate new and original ideas and solutions for exercise physiology challenges and opportunities.

  • Communication skills: You will learn how to communicate effectively and professionally with different audiences and purposes, using various modes and media.

  • Collaboration skills: You will learn how to work cooperatively and productively with others in diverse teams and contexts.

  • Lifelong learning skills: You will learn how to take charge of your own learning and development, and seek feedback and improvement opportunities.

Personal and professional development from the course

Besides the career opportunities and skills that you will gain from APK3110C, you will also benefit from the personal and professional development that you will experience from this course. Some of the ways that you will grow from this course are:

  • You will increase your interest and curiosity in exercise physiology and related fields.

  • You will enhance your confidence and competence in exercise physiology concepts and applications.

  • You will expand your network and connections with your instructor, teaching assistants, classmates, and other professionals in the field.

  • You will improve your health and wellness by applying what you learn to your own exercise habits and behaviors.

  • You will enrich your life by discovering new possibilities and opportunities for yourself in exercise physiology.


In conclusion, APK3110C is a course that provides a comprehensive overview of the acute and chronic responses to exercise. It covers topics such as cellular respiration, organ systems, aerobic and anaerobic activities, metabolic adaptations, cardiovascular and respiratory responses, skeletal muscle structure and function, hormonal regulation, performance factors, fatigue and recovery mechanisms, and exercise in hot and cold environments. It is a blended course that combines online lectures, in-person labs, and recitations. It is a required course for APK or AT majors at UF, but it can also be taken by anyone who wants to learn more about the science behind exercise. It is a course that offers many benefits for your career, skills, and personal growth. It is a course that challenges you to think critically, creatively, and analytically about exercise physiology. It is a course that prepares you to succeed in your future endeavors in exercise physiology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I register for APK3110C?

Q: How can I register for APK3110C?

A: You can register for APK3110C through the UF registrar website or through ONE.UF. You need to have completed BSC2010C and BSC2011C or their equivalents with a grade of C or better. You also need to have an active GatorLink account and a UF email address. You can check the availability and schedule of the course on the UF course catalog or on the Canvas course site.

Q: How can I access the online lectures for APK3110C?

A: You can access the online lectures for APK3110C through the Canvas LMS. You will need to log in with your GatorLink username and password, and then navigate to the APK3110C course site. You will find the recorded lectures under the Modules tab, organized by week and topic. You will also find the lecture slides, notes, and quizzes under the same tab. You can watch the lectures at your own pace and convenience, but you need to complete them before the deadlines.

Q: How can I prepare for the lab and recitation sessions for APK3110C?

A: You can prepare for the lab and recitation sessions for APK3110C by reviewing the relevant lecture material and reading the lab manual and recitation worksheet beforehand. You can also watch some videos or podcasts that demonstrate or explain the lab activities and recitation topics. You should also bring your lab report, recitation worksheet, calculator, pen, paper, and any other required materials to the sessions. You should also wear appropriate attire and footwear for the lab sessions.

Q: How can I study for the exams for APK3110C?

A: You can study for the exams for APK3110C by reviewing the lecture material, lab reports, recitation worksheets, textbook chapters, study guide questions, and lecture quizzes. You can also use flashcards, mnemonics, diagrams, charts, tables, and other study aids to help you memorize key terms and concepts. You can also practice solving problems and answering questions similar to those on the exams. You can also form study groups with your classmates and quiz each other on the course material. You should also review the exam format, instructions, and policies before taking the exams.

Q: How can I get help or feedback for APK3110C?

A: You can get help or feedback for APK3110C by contacting your instructor or teaching assistants via email or Canvas messages. You can also visit their office hours or schedule an appointment with them. You can also ask questions or share ideas with your classmates on the Canvas discussion board or in person during the lab and recitation sessions. You can also use online resources such as Khan Academy, YouTube, Coursera, or Udemy to supplement your learning. 44f88ac181

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