Those are just a few examples of the hundreds or even thousands of malicious Android apps out there. Some other known Android virus strains are (listed alphabetically): Agent Smith virus, Android ads on Lock Screen, Android ransomware, Android Police virus, Anubiscrypt ransomware,,,, DoubleLocker ransomware virus, Fake virus warning Android,, GhostCtrl virus, Ghost Push virus, Gooligan malware, HummingBad virus, HummingWhale virus, Invisible Man, JavaTcmdHelper virus, Lastacloud virus, LeakerLocker ransomware virus, Lockdroid ransomware, LokiBot virus, Mazar malware, NotCompatible virus, Opt Out virus, Smart cars-hacking Android malware, Svpeng virus, Tizi Android virus, and more.
Finally, you can get rid of or avoid Android apps downloaded from third-party app stores. These apps don't go through review by Google and can more easily sneak malicious software onto your phone. Google doesn't catch everything before it gets on your phone, as reports about malicious Android apps being removed show, but sticking to the official Google Play Store -- and having a direct outlet to report problems you encounter -- is a further line of defense.
Malicious Windows 10 Apps Found in the Store, Possibly Downloaded by Thousands
"You'll need to be careful," Attila Tomaschek, a digital privacy researcher from the cybersecurity firm ProPrivacy, told Insider. "Even if you have downloaded BlueStacks from the official site, you can still download potentially malicious apps from the Google Play Store." 2ff7e9595c
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