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Android Studio Emulator Path Mac: How to Customize and Manage Your Virtual Devices with the AVD Mana

Google has stopped supporting the standalone AVD manager and SDK Manager GUI tools, with latest Android SDK tools. When using, latest Android SDK tools >= 25.3.0, support for launching AVD Manager GUI to create android emulators and SDK manager to download missing components are deprecated from Quantum Visualizer V8 release. You must install Android Studio on your machine to get GUI to create and use Android emulators. Click here for more information.

At this point, your general system setup is done. Follow the steps below basedon whether you want to automate an emulator or a real device. In addition youwill need your app's APK (preferably built in Debug mode), whose path or URLyou will use as the value of the app capability when running your tests.

Android Studio Emulator Path Mac

The actual path of adb will be /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb. After you locate this, you will be good to go! It will show up now when you run the emulator (I pinned it) under the name :).

This indicates that the path you specified is not pointing at the Android SDK root. You may have to navigate one level deeper into the folder hierarchy to access the root folder. The root folder may look something like:

hey i don"t see the option to "android sdk tools (obsolete)" and i Uncheck the hide obsolete packages.and i cant see the sdk in the /Users/youruser/Library/Android/sdk/ i dont have Library in the android studio i see that in a AppData and i dont have a folder that called app datathank for helping

Success first time! Followed instructions above and am now seeing an Android app running on the emulator.Notes:1. Running on MacBook Catalina 10.15.6 with Livecode 9.6.12. Installed Java 8 first3. Installed Android studio using "Recommended options" in installer, note that Android SDK Tools (Obsolete) was already ticked and installed so no need to configure.4. Selected API 29 Android 10 (not the latest 10+ which I had to change)5. Livecode accepted the path to the Android tools in preferences6. In Android studio started an empty project and configured a Pixel 3 virtual device and started it.7. Opened a new Livecode iPhone 6 project size and configured the standalone as Android with a "Sign for development only" choice8. Selected Android emulator as the target for testing in Livecode

I'm on Linux Mint 20.2, with Android Studio Artic Fox 2020.3.1 Patch 2. I'm able to build Android apps and deploy to the Android simulator using AS. I've tried LC 9.6.4 and the 9.6.5 RC - no dice. I'm able to configure LC with the AS SDK and JDK locations; the only weird thing is that because I used Flatpak package manager to install AS, its bundled JDK gets installed into a long-named directory that looks like this: /var/lib/flatpak/app/

is this maybe related to adk not using 8 any longer? that's what i was seeing when i searched for the error.I installed adk from the link, above. that installs android studio 21.3.1.Then I installed J8When I went to LC Prefs -> Mobile Support, and chose adk, the JDK path is blankIf I install J11, LC recognizes the JDK.

i do only have one.jdk1.8.0_341.jdkthat's the way i started.but after pointing at android studio, lc couldn't find the jdkso i started reading, and found a discussion that adk now uses j11 (even though LC says use J8), so i tried j11. lc was able to find that folderthen the errorthen i uninstalled j11and now lc can't find the jdk, again.

Strict coupling of Android v8 is hard-coded into the IDE. The the deployIsValidJDK() function in revdeploylibraryandroid.livecodescript has code that looks for "jdk1.8" and throws an error if it's not found. So until that's fixed you need 1.8 installed. Also the pathToPlatformTools() function looks for "android-8". And kBundleToolVersion is 1.8.Note: if you patch the deployIsValidSDK() function you can actually get informative error codes about what's going on.

The following describes the usages for the other options:-c size: The path to the SD card image for this AVD or the size of a new SD card image to create for this AVD, in KB or MB, denoted with K or M. For example, -c path/to/sdcard/ or -c 1000M.-f: Force creation of the AVD. Use this option if you need to overwrite an existing AVD with a new AVD using the same name.-p path: Path to the location where the directory for this AVD's files will be created. If you do not specify a path, the AVD will be created in /.android/avd/.

Ensure that it points to the correct location. The SDK is usually installed at the location C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\sdk. If you cannot find the location or you have logged in as a different user, then you can create the folder and enter it here. Once the path is valid, the Android studio will download & install the required SDK on its own.

To deploy the build into your Android Studio installation, move the contained folder (which is named after the architecture that you built for) into a subfolder of /path/to/android/sdk/system-images.AOSP uses the following path name by default, but you are free to make up your own as well:

You can also explicitly specify the absolute path of the Android SDK,the API level, and the version of build tools to use by including the path,api_level, and build_tools_version attributes. If api_level andbuild_tools_version are not specified, the android_sdk_repository rule willuse the respective latest version available in the SDK. You can specify anycombination of these attributes, as long as they are present in the SDK, forexample:

Similar to android_sdk_repository, the path to the Android NDK is inferredfrom the ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable by default. The path can alsobe explicitly specified with a path attribute on android_ndk_repository.

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, and I downloaded Android Studio with the umake tool provided by Ubuntu. This downloaded Android Studio at /root/tools/android/android-studio,and platform-tools and all other tools at /root/Android/Sdk/. 2ff7e9595c

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